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Mackerel Cutlets per 200g

Mackerel Cutlets per 200g

Regular price $6.99
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Product Description

Savour the rich flavours of the ocean with our Mackerel cutlets, sourced from the vibrant, cold waters abundant with these vigorous fish. Renowned for its intensely flavourful, oily flesh, Mackerel offers a distinctive, full-bodied taste that's both nourishing and satisfying.

The striking iridescent blue skin of the Mackerel encases dark, moist flesh that retains its succulence and depth of flavour through careful preparation. This fish is not only a delight for the palate but also versatile in the kitchen. It can be grilled to bring out its natural smokiness, pan-fried to a crisp finish, or baked with herbs and citrus to enhance its robust flavours. The robust nature of Mackerel makes it ideal for adventurous dishes such as spicy Indian curries or Japanese-style grilled skewers.

Packed with Omega-3 fatty acids and essential vitamins, Mackerel is a healthful choice, supporting a balanced diet while delighting the senses. It pairs well with bold, vibrant sides like peppery arugula, tangy pickled vegetables, or a refreshing cucumber dill salad, standing up well to strong flavours.